Friday, October 10, 2014

Unemployment Drops Again--Are You Ready to Sell?

Well, once again, a strong reason for those of you considering listing your homes for sale has popped up. It's the unemployment rate. Obviously, when folks are not working, the last thing they're thinking of is buying a home. However, conversely, when they are working, it's a lot more likely they'd be thinking of buying a new home!

Well, here's the latest good news on that front!  As in July, every Bay Area county posted a lower unemployment rate that the California average of 7.4 percent on a nonseasonally adjusted basis, which was unchanged from the preceding month. Bay Area counties were the only ones in the state to boast unemployment rates of less than 5 percent, which many economists believe indicates that a market has reached full employment.
Marin County continued to have the state’s lowest percentage of unemployed workers, at 4.2 percent. This is by far the lowest level since the recession began in late 2007.

The EDD’s recent Labor Day briefing says that California has regained all of the 1.33 million jobs it lost during the Great Recession in June of this year. July marked the 53rd consecutive month of statewide employment growth, and California now has about 43,000 more nonagricultural jobs than it did at its prerecession peak in July 2007. This means that there is a greater pool of potential buyers for your home.  Obviously, not all of these employed folks will be buyers. But, for those who are, it's a perfect opportunity to get your house ready to sell, and then get it on the market!

Not sure how to proceed or what may need doing to have your home in perfect shape for that potential buyer? That's OK. We've been handling exactly such situations for many years, and we'd be happy to assist you ready your home so that you get the most money in the shortest possible amount of time! Call us! We'd be happy to help: Peter: (415) 279-6466; Jane: (415) 531-4091.


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